Sunday, February 23, 2014

being a "good parent" means being technologically literate.. right

summer 1997 issue of Computing for Kids read:

If you want to ensure the success of your child you need to educate them.  Teach them how to read, how to write, how to add and subtract.  And how to use a personal computer.  That's right:  along with the traditional reading, writing, and 'rithmetic skills [intentional error], to succeed in tomorrow's world, your child will need to know how to use a PC.

-- Technology and Literacy in the Twenty-First Century 
The Importance of Paying Attention 
by Cynthia L. Selfe

But what happens if the child knows how to use the technology better than you?

via Google Image
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via Google Image
Technology is now introduced to children at such a young age and because of this children have adapted to it.  There is hardly a need to actively teach a child how to do something on an electronic device.  Hell, normally they change something and you cannot figure out how to change it back without asking them.  
My point is that being technologically literate does not make you a good parent necessarily.  Obviously much more goes into parenting a child correctly.  And children are much smarter than a lot of adults give them credit for.  They will adapt and become literate with technology on their own because our culture is completely taken up with technology in today's world.  There is no escaping it.

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